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About Lyme Magnetic Therapy


Lyme Magnetic TherapyDeveloped by Joan Randall of Integrative Wellness, Lyme Magnetic Protocol Therapy is a treatment modality that targets the symptoms of Lyme disease and its lesser-known co-infections, including Babesia, Bartonella and Ehrlichia, some of which are often not detected by regular blood work. By strategically placing biomagnetic pairs on various points of the body, Randall found that she could bioenergetically neutralize the pathogens (bacteria, fungus, parasites and viruses) that contribute to the complex and often debilitating symptoms of Lyme disease. In doing so, the pathogen can no longer thrive, the vibrational energy of the individual shifts and health, harmony and balance are restored. Randall’s discoveries came as a result of her own Lyme diagnosis, healing process, and subsequent study with Dr. Goiz as well as further research of her own. In particular, she has found that different pathogens are harbored in specific points of the body. For example Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease, frequently appears in the Costal Hepatic and the Liver. It can be both a localized and system-wide infection. To rid the body of Borrelia, magnets are placed on these points for approximately 20 minutes. Energy work is also provided to help clear the areas of the body that hold on to stress and negative emotions. Following the treatment, the pathogens die and the body begins to shed them. The use of detox methods such as lemon water, epsom salt baths and supplements are highly recommended.

Randall has since discovered hundreds of additional points on the body and the corresponding biomagnetic pairs to help eliminate the pathogens. In addition to Lyme disease and co-infections, Lyme Magnetic Therapy Protocol addresses Retroviruses, CMV, hormones and Covid. Randall is currently working on developing protocols for Alzheimers, ALS, and Parkinsons among others.

The powerful treatment therapy is comprehensive and unique to the individual client. Practitioners use the body’s intelligence and its natural propensity to heal itself to inform their work and to ultimately restore immune function. CLICK to make an appointment for Lyme Magnetic Therapy.

Lyme Magnetic Therapy FAQs

What can I expect from an appointment?

  • Clients lie comfortably on a massage table. Using kinesiology or muscle testing, the practitioner gathers information to identify areas where pathogens reside. The practitioner asks the body a series of questions to identify areas of illness or imbalance. Questions are based on the pathogens detailed in the Lyme Magnetic Therapy Protocol. This intuitive method is an effective way to retrieve information and relies on the body’s ability to share information from deep within its cells. The clients legs will lengthen or shorten for “yes” or “no” answers. Pendulums may also be used to assess points of imbalance.
  • Depending on the bacteria, fungus, parasites or viruses identified, the practitioner will place corresponding pairs of magnets on the client for approximately 20 minutes. During this time, the positive and negative force of the magnets will work to neutralize the pathogen and put the body back into homeostasis. Energy work (similar to reiki) may be performed as well. This helps relieve stress on the body and clears the vibrational energy. Clients describe feeling truly relaxed and may experience a light, sleep-like state during the treatment.

How long does an appointment last?

A typical appointment will last one to 1.5 hours, including symptom assessment and magnetic pair placement (which usually lasts approximately 20-25 minutes). Subsequent appointments will take approximately one hour. The number of appointments needed depends on your ability to tolerate the treatment and effectively detoxify the pathogens. Everyone is different. A recent tick bite or infection may only require one treatment. An advanced stage of Chronic Lyme and co-infections may need multiple appointments over several months to fully eliminate symptoms. Some clients also enjoy seasonal check ups to maintain optimal health.

What should I wear?

Clients should wear long, comfortable pants and clean socks.

How will I feel after my appointment?

Each person is different and results vary depending on the severity of your illness. Chronic Lyme disease is more complex and often takes longer to treat. Symptoms may not resolve immediately. Many clients feel “lighter” and slightly tired immediately after treatment. Some may experience a Herxeimer or “herx” reaction, which is fatigue and/or a potential heightening of your symptoms for a few days after your treatment. This is a typical response caused by the die off of pathogens releasing toxins into your bloodstream. Detox is important. Listen to your body. Get plenty of rest, avoid stress, drink lots of water, take epsom salt baths, and commit to a healthy diet (avoid sugar and alcohol). I am happy to recommend supplements and nutritional tips to support your healing process.

What are the benefits of Lyme Magnetic Therapy?

Lyme Magnetic Therapy eliminates the pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi) that contribute to the symptoms Lyme disease and associated co-infections. When pH is neutralized, the body goes back into balance. This results in improved organ function, a decrease in inflammation and a boost in energy and overall health.